Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published or considered by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in comments to the editor).

  • Whenever possible, URL addresses will be provided for references.

  • The text has single line spacing; 12 point font size in Times New Roman; italics are used instead of underlining (except in URL addresses); and all figures and tables are placed at the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end.

  • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in Guidelines

  • If a peer-reviewed section of the journal is submitted, the instructions in Ensuring Anonymous Review. must be followed.

  • For each article sent to Apuntes del Cenes, it is assumed that the author (s) send a signed declaration in JPEG or PDF format to demonstrate that there is no conflict of interest between the institution or organization where they work and JF&PE. (Click for download)

  • The article which is in the process of being published, the author will be send a format in JPEG or PDF transferring the copyright. (Click for download)

Author Guidelines


1. In the Revista Finanzas y Política Económica exclusively undergo evaluation unpublished academic contributions, research and innovation articles, and case studies product of research processes.

2. The contributions will enable dissemination and discussion of topics such as economic theory, economic policy, finance and regional economics (national or international), and economy, education, culture, and university. Other issues may be published with the permission of the Editorial Board and/or the Editor, taking into account their relationship and interdisciplinary relevance to economics studies.

3. The contributions should be original, unpublished and should not be postulated simultaneously to any other journal, or publishing media. Articles may be in English and Spanish. Translations from other languages are also allowed.

4. The authors must submit the original manuscripts by the open journal system, getting registered through the journal's website: GO TO REGISTRATION. Formats of originality and copyright cession and a copy of the CV must be sent by the journal´s e-mail: []. The authors must have an ORCID ID or ResearherID account and also held an h index of 2 as a minimum. 

5. Articles submitted in the different calls will be subject to the editorial process which is managed in several phases. Each Item received will be evaluated by members of the Editorial Committee and Editor, who will determine the relevance of its publication. Having established that the article meets the journal´s topics, in addition to the editorial standards indicated in these instructions, it will be sent to two referees (blind peer reviewers) who will determine, if the article is:

     a) publish without changes;
     b) publish after doing adjustments, and
     c) Do not publish.

6. The arbitration process of the articles is made in the form of double-blind, guaranteeing confidentiality and anonymity of authors and reviewers. In case of a discrepancy between the first two reviewers, the article will be sent to a third reviewer whose decision will define its publication.

7. When an article is listed as 'publishable with adjustments', the concepts are brought to the author (s) for consideration in order to carry out the proposed modifications in a term that does not last longer than eight days. The Editorial team will keep the author (s) informed during the different stages of this process.

8. The Editor and the Editorial Board of the Revista Finanzas y Política Económica are the instances that decide the publication of originals. We clarify that the submission of an article does not imply its publication. The layout errors, failure to meet standards of the journal or the incorrect spelling and syntax, may be cause for rejection of the work without getting into the evaluation process.

9. The Revista Finanzas y Política Económica can make public, in case of checked, the following scientific malpractices: plagiarism, falsification or fabrication of data, individual appropriation of collective authorship and duplicate publication. For this stage, the journal is supported by the plagiarism software iThenticate



1. The articles must be submitted on magnetic media in Microsoft Word text file in letter size (8 x 11 in) and must meet the following requirements: an extend between 6,000 and 11,000 words, including notes and references, single-spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12, margins of 3cm.

2. The name(s) of the author(s) must be included below the title with a footnote (*), indicating the following information: author(s)?s name(s), profession(s), education level(s), current employment(s), workplace(s) and your e-mail(s).

3. Below the author(s)´s name(s), articles must be accompanied by the respective abstracts in Spanish and English. The abstract shall not exceed 12 0words which must briefly provide the following information: the context, and main aims of the research, the method applied and the main findings.

4. Following the abstract, include up to six keywords in Spanish and English, and at least, two classifications from the nomenclature of the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL), that can be found at the website of EconLit [].

5. The title must appear in the upper central part of the first page of the paper in a capitalized case. It must be explanatory and capture the essence of the research, having a maximum of 18 words, and it must be in Spanish and English.

6. All articles must contain an introduction, the method applied, results and discussion, conclusions, and references.

7. The suitability of the databases and mathematical and/or statistical files from which the results of the research are derived must be certified, and, when generating assumptions and conclusions consistent with mathematical and /or statistical logic, they must be supported by both scientific explanations and numeric symbols. When formulas, equations, or mathematical and/or statistical approaches are included, the relevant supporting documentation must be submitted.

8. Equations should be numbered consecutively within square brackets ([1], [2], [3] ...). These numbers must be aligned to the right of the page. Mathematical symbols should be clear and legible. Subscripts and superscripts must be properly located.

9. Graphs, tables, figures, maps, and photos, if any, will be presented in an electronic format that must be of sufficient quality to allow for optimal playback. The journal does not accept tables, graphs or images copied from other works. They shall be numbered consecutively in the order of appearance in the text and shall specify the place where you inserted them. All graphic elements will be delivered, indicating the program used, which will necessarily be compatible with standards used in the preparation of this sort of material. For figures, maps and photos we suggest image files. .gif, .jpg, .tiff and not imported from Word.
The tables and figures should be self-explanatory which means that there is not any need to resort to the text for understanding.

10. Literature citations and reference list must be worked on the APA style 6th Ed. (American Psychological Association) [] and [].

11. The nature of footer notes is only explanatory or clarifying and should not include any references.

12. Bibliographic citations must be submitted within the text, and the full record will be given in the reference list at the end of the article. The bibliography should only present the sources cited in the article, in a section entitled References. 

13. With regard to the way of presenting the different citations and references, we suggest taking into account the following examples:

  •  If the textual quotes have forty words or less, they will be preceded by two points and quotation marks, if they are longer, they will be in a separate paragraph, indented, without quotation marks and single-spaced. Additions to textual citations will be made in brackets. In both cases they shall be entered in the following manner: between parentheses the author?s surname, year of publication of the work and the page number or numbers, eg:

              (Astudillo, 1999, p. 88-89).

  • The paraphrase should contain only the author?s name and year of publication, eg:

              (Astudillo, 1999). 

  • If two or more works by an author were published the same year, they will be differentiated by the letters a, b, c, etc.., eg:

             (Astudillo, 1996a, p. 27).

  • If the work has more than three authors, cite the first time all surnames, in the subsequent entries, type only the first author surname, followed by the phrase et al. If there are more than six authors, use et al. from the first mention.

  • References will arranged alphabetically, works by the same author are arranged chronologically, they have a hanging indent, are double-spaced and should be presented as follows:


Author, A. (Year). Book title. Place: Publishing House.

Book chapters:

Author, A. & Author, A. (Year). Chapter title. In Author, A. (Ed.). Book title (pp. xx-xx). Place: Publishing House.

Article of a printed journal:

Author, A. (Year). Chapter title. Journal title, Vol, (Numb.), p.p. xx-xx.

Books in electronic version:

Author, A. (Year). Title. Retrieved from


Author, A. (Year, month). Conference Title. Document presented in? City, Country. Published and unpublished reports:

1. Published
Autor, A.A (Year). Title. Place: institution responsible, Nº p.p.

2. Unpublished
Autor, A.A (Year). Title. Unpublished manuscript. Nº p.p.

Article online: 

1. Article from an electronic journal

Author, A. (year). Chapter title. Journal title, vol. (numb.), pp. xx-xx. Retrieved from

2. Book chapters

Author, A. (year). Chapter title. In Author, A. Book title. Place. Publishing House (if any). pp. xx-xx. Retrieved from

Article from daily publishing of the Web:

Author, A. (year, day, month). Chapter title. Newspaper or magazine title. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxx. xxx

14. When using an acronym or an abbreviation, first write the complete equivalence and then in brackets, the term to be used in the rest of the document.

15. If you highlight a word or phrase in the text, it is recommended to use italics or underline the words, avoiding the use of bold and quotation marks.

16. Compliance with these specifications is essential. The contributions accepted will be subject to proofreading. We recommend the authors to send a first proofread version. In addition, your publication will be subject to space availability in each issue. In no case originals will be returned to the author, nor shall the journal be liable.

17. The Editorial Board reserves the right to change the title of the articles and make editorial changes it deems appropriate to structure the article as clearly as possible. Therefore, the authors are encouraged to write with the greatest rigor,
checking the spelling, using short, homogeneous paragraphs and using suitable punctuation.

18. The author yields the publishing rights to the Faculty of Economics of the Catholic University from Colombia. The Revista de Finanzas y Política Económica reserves the right to print, electronic and any other kind of publishing media,
in all languages.

19. In some cases, there will be the option to reproduce texts published by other media or texts that require translation, only if there is accurate authorization and it does not entail additional publication costs.

Note: any situation not covered into these publication rules, shall be decided by the editorial committee.


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