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Villar Rubio, E., Barrilao González, P. E., & Delgado Alaminos, J. (2017). Relative efficiency within a tax administration : the effects of result improvement. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 9(1), 135–149.

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This paper analyses the Spanish tax administration, evaluating the relative efficiency of each of the regional offices that are its constituent parts via output-oriented two-stage data envelopment analysis. In the study, a total of 47 regional offices were analysed, considering three inputs: 1) current expenditure in goods and services; 2) number of tax returns processed in terms of the two main direct taxes; and, 3) personnel numbers. Revenue resulting from tax assessments was considered as output. The analysis shows that the efficient action of regional offices might have increased by 21.6% the results of the management of this administration.



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