How to Cite
Duarte Duarte, J. B., Sierra Suárez, K. J., & Rueda Ortiz, V. A. (2015). Comparative efficiency analysis between Brazil, Mexico and the United States. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 7(2), 341–357.

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This article seeks to contrast the weak form efficiency of the Brazilian,
US,  and  Mexican  stock  indexes,  based  on  the  assumption  that  an  efficient  market is not predictable. With this goal in mind, we assessed predictability  using runs tests and automatic variance ratio, in the 1995-2014 period. The  results shed light on the fact that, in recent years, stock markets in Brazil and  Mexico have gone from being non-efficient to being efficient. In contrast, the  United States shows predictability at different time intervals.



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