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Murillo Villanueva, B. (2020). Mexico: Productive Structure and Intermediate Import Penetration, 2003 and 2013. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 12(2), 403–430.

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This paper examines and compares the intersectoral relationships of the total and domestic production structures in Mexico in 2003 and 2013, and shows the effect of intermediate import penetration on production linkages among domestic sectors, sectorial dependency on intermediate imports. To
this end, based on input-output matrices, the multiplier product matrix (MPM) and the hypothetical extraction method (HEM) were utilized. The results suggest the existence of two different production structures, in addition to the disarticulation of some sectors (especially industrial ones), with regard
to domestic production activities. There are sectors that are highly dependent on intermediate imports and others with greater knock-on capacity and generation of domestic value.



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