How to Cite
Sotelo Forero, L., & Vallejo Zamudio, L. E. (2021). Job Creation in the Colombian Industrial Sector 2010-2018. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 13(1), 115–142.

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This paper aims to explain the relationship between labor policy and job creation in the industrial sector in Colombia in the period 2010-2018. To the effect, it first examines the topic of labor in the development plans of the two administrations of former president Juan Manuel Santos. First, a diagnostic analysis of industrial employment is carried out for the study period based on data of the Annual Manufacturing Survey (EAM, for its acronym in Spanish) administered by the National Administrative Department of Statistics of Colombia (DANE, for its acronym in Spanish). Second, the characteristics of industrial employment creation are examined, emphasizing the evolution of its participation in total employment and its growth, as well as the importance of industrial subsectors in job creation, and how the nine main Colombian cities participate in it through these subsectors. One of the most important conclusions is that industrial employment in Colombia has responded to conjunctural changes (world economy slowdown, exchange rate revaluation, market closure in Venezuela), as well as to changes occurred since economic opening in labor issues, which sought to implement greater flexibility in the labor market.



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