How to Cite
Encalada Encarnación, V. R. (2022). A model proposal based on IFRS SMEs for the improvement of economic and financial management in small enterprises guayaquileñas. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 14(1).
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The objective of this research is to design a model for the improvement of economic-financial management (EFM) in small transport operators registered with the Superintendency of Companies of Guayaquil, Ecuador. The proposal was modeled after the articulation of the international financial reporting standard (IFRS) for small and medium-sized entities (SMEs). As a methodology, the analysis of expert criteria is applied using the decision software version 1.0 and the quantitative analysis technique is related to articulate the IFRS to the economic-financial management processes. The study identified that with the proposal of the model, the economic-financial management of Ecuadorian enterprises is perfected by 66 %, thus generating an empirical model report from international accounting principles to contribute to business practices. However, in this regard, there is credible and reliable management, economic and financial information, making them more socially and economically consistent for small enterprises.



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