How to Cite
Reyes Ortiz, G. E., Mendoza-Sáenz, C. A. ., & Robayo-Piñeros-, E. L. . (2021). Pacific Alliance Countries, 2000-2021: Effects of COVID-19 on Growth and Economic Reactivation. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 13(1), 99–113.

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Colombia, Mexico, and Peru) will have an economic recovery in 2021, as evidenced by increases in their respective gross domestic products (GDP). Furthermore, it argues that it is possible to calculate both production decline for those countries during 2020 and recovery reported for the following year. The corresponding calculations were based on economic and socio-political contexts that influenced the measures adopted in the four PA countries in face of the COVID-19 pandemic; in particular, measures that began in early March 2020. The greatest economic reactivation would happen in Mexico, although it is noteworthy that this particular result is closely related to the performance of the US economy, which acts as a natural market for the aforementioned Latin American country.



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