How to Cite
Aliende, I., & Escot, L. (2022). Why Policymakers and Social Scientists Should Adopt Behavioral Economics: An Analysis for the Period 2000-2020. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 14(2), 453–487.
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This paper analyzes the advisability of applying behavioral economics (BE) by social researchers and policymakers. Over the last twenty years, the number of contributions about BE has grown exponentially in the scientific literature, reports published by international organizations, and the so-called Behavioral Insight Units (nudge units). However, to consider BE a core discipline, it is necessary to ensure that all such behavioral practice corresponds to a distinctive approach or field of study. This article evaluates whether BE provides a solid  methodological and unique approach. It has analyzed twenty relevant articles with the label “behavioral economics” published in the last five years in recognized journals to evaluate whether they follow a distinct method. According to the results, the level of compliance is high (84%), which amplifies the possibilities of BE as an approach in social sciences, besides reinforcing its importance in supporting the implementation of public policies. Nevertheless, the analysis also provides some observations about subsequent developments and  consideration of the discipline as a homogeneous approach.



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