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Enterprise risk management is a discipline that is becoming increasingly necessary due to the changing environment in which companies operate. This paper is based on a research question that propose to hypotheses that question the impact of risk governance and associated practices and tools on ERM development. Hierarchical linear regression models are used to test the hypotheses that suggest a relationship between predictor variables and the ERM criterion variable. A sample of 140 large private companies in Colombia, belonging to different economic sectors, is selected, of which their behaviour and/or organizational performance related to the analysis variables is evaluated. The main results suggest that the risk governance composed of the senior management commitment and the risk management structure has a positive correlation with ERM. Also, it is demonstrating that the practices and tools integrated by the risk maps and the risk treatment measures that are defined, have a positive correlation about the maturity of enterprise risk management. Finally, the study’s, main findings are presented, and their implications are discussed to form the basis for ERM strengthening in emerging markets.
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