How to Cite
Tejedor Estupiñán, J. M. (2013). Relationships between productivity and wages in Colombia. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 5(2), 11–22.

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One of the questions raised by some academics and researchers, economists and economic policy makers of different governments today is what criteria should we use to share benefits from economic growth, driven by increases in the productivity of production factors? This has led governments in different regions to set agendas of integration and to adopt economic policies that have affected both, the economy and the population in terms of equity and justice. Clavijo (2003) distinguishes three important moments in the issue of productivity in Colombia. The first one in June 1988 and in charge of the administration of Virgilio Barco laid the foundations for the economic aperture. A second momentum was in the administration of César Gaviria, in the mid 1990’s, which accelerated the process of trade liberalization, was characterized by an increased free import regime and thus a reduction of protectionist policies, which was evidenced by clearing the import surcharge. The third stage occurred in the administration of Ernesto Samper, where the subject of trade openness was replaced by the Social Pact, inspired in the wage and income policies, applied in the U.S.A. in the seventies, and in Mexico in the eighties. At that time, a Presidential Commission was created in order to reconcile the wage issues in regards to productivity.



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