How to Cite
Gómez Romo, M. del C., López Gómez, A. F. ., Totoy Sinalín, E. V. ., & Lara Haro, D. M. . (2022). Intellectual capital in the financial performance of the bodybuilding sector in Ecuador. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 14(2), 351–373.
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This article determines the influence of intellectual
capital on the financial performance of companies in the
bodybuilding sector in Ecuador. For this, the Value Added
Intellectual Coefficient (VAICTM) model is applied with the
information of 96 financial statements published by the
Superintendence of Companies, Securities and Insurance,
which after its purification was reduced to 43, corresponding to the 15 bodywork companies that they remained active in the 2014-2019 period. This is a descriptive - explanatory study whose results of the multiple linear regression analysis report that 31.0% of the return on assets, and 28.6% of the return on equity are explained by the VAICTM and the control variables, debt ratio and company size. This confirms the hypothesis that intellectual capital influences the financial performance of companies in the bodybuilding sector in Ecuador.



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