How to Cite
Tejedor Estupiñán, J. M. (2013). On the anniversary of the Revista Finanzas y Política Económica. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 5(1), 11–21.

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In 2007 the world economic crisis became evident through the U.S. mortgage market downfall in the financial sector. The following year the crisis revealed its first consequences with the collapse of investments, which would have a direct adverse effect on the real economy of this world power. This caused a decrease in consumption and investment, an international trade unbalance, poor growth prospects and of consumers? confidence. As Francisco Rojas Aravena (2009) stated in the Secretary General Fifth Report of the Latin-American Social Science Faculty (Flacso), entitled Financial Crisis: building a political Latin-American response, this crisis was not an isolated event, but an unbalance in the context of several global crises which have currently become manifest in different ways all over the world, including Latin America and the Caribbean. The present-time world unbalance is not only evident in the economic scenario, but also in food crisis, energy crisis, climate change and political crises that have perpetuated wars and created new conflicts in different regions, as has happened in the Middle East, Africa and even in Colombia where the internal conflict is now five decades long. Global warming, endangered species including human beings, inequity and violence (which are human rights violations) are only parts of a reality we must overcome.

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