How to Cite
Vera, L., Hernández, A., & Osorio, D. (2013). Can financial development promote human development? : evidence for Venezuela. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 5(1), 23–42.

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This study presents empirical evidence for Venezuelan economy (between 1970 and 2009) regarding a possible relation between how people access and use financing services and human development level. Using several proxies for access to banking services, the study finds robust results that indicate that a larger net of services and coverage of depositors explains reported improvements in Human Development Index (HDI). Evolutions of the real price of petroleum hydrocarbon and of the government expenditure per capita have had a positive impact on HDI. Thus, the analysis drifts apart from the well known, but controversial, connection between financial development and economic growth which is based on efficiency profits and it rather concentrates on the importance that financing services massification has on people?s welfare.



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