How to Cite
Isaac Roque, D., Caicedo Carrero, A. ., & de la Oliva De Con, F. . (2023). Measurement of the factors that determine value creation in Colombian economic sectors: period 2016-2020. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 15(1), 213–244.
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The objective of the study is to analyze the factors that determine the creation of economic value in Colombia's economic sectors. The research is developed under a quantitative methodological approach, under a correlational design. This scope of research seeks to measure the association between EVA and the factors that determine it. For this purpose, a total of 9037 companies  distributed in nine Colombian economic sectors were analyzed. The results of the statistical tests (correlation and linear regression) reveal a low relationship between the creation of economic value added and the EVA determinants defined for the study. This allows us to conclude that there is a low linear association between the  determinants of EVA and EVA, which shows that the value creation of companies towards their shareholders does not depend on a single element, on the contrary, it is the sum of the synergy that the companies have within themselves.



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