How to Cite
García-Parejo, A., Caro González, F. J., & Chavarría Ortiz, C. (2023). The Spanish Bullfighting Cultural Industry in Times of Crisis (2007-2013). Its Phase in the Industry Life-Cycle. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 15(2), 465–492.
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The aim of this research is to identify the life cycle in which the bullfighting cultural industry is, and check the validity of the life-cycle model in unique industries. Previous scientific studies on the bullfighting sector are scarce. The bullfighting cultural industry is a sector that encompasses one hundred and three economic activities, both direct and indirect, hence its interest and importance. Basing on this research which is focused on the analysis of secondary facts for a period of recession (2007-2013), and using Peltoniemi’s Life Cylce Model of Industry (2011) and the variables of Van de Ven and Poole’s model (1995), we can be aware of this sector’s situation and thus maintain that we are faced with an industry reaching maturity and with a high degree of business concentration.



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