How to Cite
Meneses Cerón, L. Ángel, & Macuacé Otero, R. A. (2011). Valuation and credit risk in Colombia. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 3(2), 65–82. Retrieved from

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The exercise of assessing the credit risk in Colombia, is a difficult task, since they are different elements of context that must be considered in that process, a situation that leads necessarily to the combination of methods, both quantitative and qualitative, order to improve the criteria for decision making. In this sense, this document begins with a review of the sources of corporate financing more common in the Colombian financial system from them, identifies the main elements to consider in advance the time of credit process. Next, we examine the traditional financial analysis methodology, we proceed to highlight some Latin American experiences at probabilistic models with new financial analysis and finally outlines the benefits of such models, based on their advantages and disadvantages.



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