How to Cite
Peralta Borray, D. A. (2011). Efficiency in the acquisition of food in the colombian public sector. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 3(1), 9–26. Retrieved from

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Given the magnitude and the potential of the Public Goods Market for food goods in Colombia, and the tendency that has occurred in Latin America in relation to the utilization of the public contract as a mechanism to intervene in the public entities and economy; it is urgent the necessity to have the tools that permit the evaluation of the administrators of public management. This document proposes an indicator for the evaluation of efficiency in relation to the buying of food goods by Public Entities, analyzing if the use of different forms of public contract influences their levels of efficiency, providing reasonable statistic elements to determine the best form of supplying food goods for state projects, programs, and services. The evaluated sample corresponds to the observation of crude food goods bought periodically by entities between the years 2005 and 2009, and utilized in their majority for providing food services and/or direct provision to the population with and average investment of $22,790,000 dollars annually.



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