How to Cite
García, L. J. (2011). Impact assesment applied to social marketing project. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 3(1), 39–58. Retrieved from

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Nowadays, there´s a new business strategy in which the private sector is willingly participating in social causes. This strategy is known as Cause Related Marketing and it involves a commercial activity in which a private business and a nongovernmental organization ally in order to promote a brand, a product or a service for mutual benefit. An expample of a Cause Related Marketing proyect in Colombia, is an alliance between a multinational company and the Women´s Equity Presidential Ministry. This project looks forward to offer microcredits to entrepenour head of household women that may lead to their economic independence and through this, contribute to fight one of the main causes of gender violence against women. This project as well as other Cause Related Marketing examples, promote social causes that have a direct impact in society that imply social welfare changes to one or several population groups that are affected by these projects. The purpose of this paper is to use the Propensity Score Model as a Social Welfare Impact Analysis tool in the social project mentioned above, in order to determine wether it has had a positive impact in the income of the women involved in the project in comparison to similar women that have not been part of it. We expect to validate through this analysis, that this project has contributed to the economic welfare of many colombian women according to economic theory.



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