How to Cite
Benavides Passos, J. L. (2010). The diversity in the demographic composition of human resources in Latin America. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 2(1), 53–66. Retrieved from

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The main analysis of this paper is focused on demographic variables related to organizations, discussing theoretical and empirical evidences of both private and public enterprises. One of the key areas for application of this study is the organizational conditions that prevail in the Latin American region. Several factors influence organizational schemes, such as migration circumstances, structural of population within a country or society, and thresholds in demographic development. In the first part of this document, factors related to evident scenarios of organization are addressed. In the second section, conceptual basis concerning demography and organization are discussed. In a third section this study incorporates reflections regarding Latin American conditions in terms of human resources and management. Finally in a last section conclusions are discussed in direct application for Latin American enterprises.



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