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Boundi Chraki, F. (2016). An input-output analysis of productive linkages and key sectors in the mexican economy. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 8(1), 55–81.

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This article seeks to identify the industrial sectors that are key to the Mexican economy. To this end the following methodologies are employed, all based on input-output analysis: a) the Chenery-Watabane Method (1958) for calculating direct productive linkages; b) the Rasmussen Methods (1963) for calculating total productive linkages; c) Leontief's demand focus (1985) for the quantification of direct and total backward linkages; and d) the supply focus of Ghosh (1958, 1968) used to quantify direct and total forward linkages. Finally, the results of the application of these methods shows that the key sectors of Mexico's economy are intermediate goods and capital goods.



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