Peer review process

Arbitration Process

After the submission of the article, the editor of the Revista Finanzas y Política Económica selects and categorizes articles that meet the requirements set out in the author guidelines. The editor may reject articles at the initial stage without resorting to a review process if they are deemed to be of low quality or show evidence of ethical violations or incomplete documentation.

The articles undergo an initial evaluation by the editor, section editors, and/or the Editorial Committee, taking into consideration:

1. Thematic relevance, the significance of the topic, and alignment with the defined sections.
2. Research support.
3. Coherence in the development of the article, as well as proper writing and spelling.
4. The relationship between figures and tables with the article's text.

In this review, the level of originality will be verified using specialized software (such as Ithenticate or similar) and digital resources designed for this purpose. Additionally, the review assesses the coherence and clarity of document sections, the quality of sources, and proper citation. This information will be recorded in the editorial filter format, which will then be uploaded to the editorial management platform and made available to the author.

If the article requires preliminary adjustments, it will be returned to the author before being sent to reviewers. In this case, the author will have twenty days to resubmit the text with the requested changes.

Following the preselection, a minimum of two specialized external reviewers is assigned, who will provide their feedback using the article evaluation format and any relevant annotations in the text. At this stage, confidentiality and anonymity of authors and reviewers (double-blind review mode) will be maintained.

The review process results in one of the following recommendations, which will be communicated to the author:

1. Publishable: No corrections or adjustments are needed (corrections, if any, will be in items that require them).
2. Publishable with adjustments: Meets basic criteria but can be improved; the suggested corrections should be made.
3. Not publishable: Fails to meet requirements and is not approved.

In cases of significant and contradictory differences in reviewer recommendations, the editor may send the article to an additional reviewer or a member of the Editorial Committee to act as a third arbiter, ultimately deciding on the article's publication.

Authors are expected to consider the feedback from reviewers or editors, and any incorporated or omitted corrections must be justified in the text or in an accompanying communication. If authors fail to address provided instructions without proper justification, the article will be returned and not considered received until clarity is achieved.

The editor respects the intellectual independence of authors and offers them the right to respond in cases where their articles have been evaluated negatively and rejected.

Authors, with their user and password credentials, can access the Editorial Management platform to view the feedback and the editorial decision on the article.

The editor and the Editorial Committee reserve the right to accept or reject the publication of submitted material. They also have the authority to suggest formatting modifications, adjust keywords or the abstract, and make stylistic corrections. Authors will have access to the final version of the text before its official publication.

When an article is accepted for publication, the author(s) must sign the Declaration of Originality and Copyright License Agreement.

Important notes:

The Revista Finanzas y Política Económica publishes a limited number of articles per volume and aims to balance the sections. Therefore, even if an article is accepted or in the review process, it may be postponed for publication in a future issue. In such cases, the author has the option to withdraw the article submission or include it in the article bank for the next issue.

The editor and section editors of the Revista Finanzas y Política Económica are responsible for facilitating contact between authors and reviewers, as these processes are conducted anonymously.

In summary, the evaluation criteria include content originality, conceptual rigor, methodological aspects, clarity and coherence in both argumentation and presentation, the quality of sources and bibliographic references, contributions to knowledge, proper abstract preparation, title relevance, and conclusions. This ensures that articles published in the Journal of Finance and Economic Policy meet excellent quality standards.

Please note that the peer review process may take between 2 and 8 months after reviewers have received the article.

Sistema OJS 3 - Metabiblioteca |