How to Cite
Gil León, J. M., Rosso Murillo, J. W., & Ocampo Rodríguez, J. D. (2018). Level of leverage and business financial stability : case of firms from Colombia and Argentina. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 10(2), 309–325.

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This paper aims to explain the effect of financial instability on the capital structure of firms in two emerging markets: Colombia and Argentina. For the analysis, the study uses an unbalanced panel dataset with 167 companies, with quarterly data between 2005 and 2015, and regressions with the random-effects method. The results show that lower liquidity level and losses during two or more consecutive quarters increase the level of leverage in companies; there- fore, signs of financial insolvency lead firms to become over-indebted and to reproduce the same conditions that lead to the emergence of a financial crisis.



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