How to Cite
Cortés Villafradez, R. A. ., & de la Peña Cárdenas, N. (2019). Analysis of transport infrastructure development and competitiveness in the member countries of the pacific alliance (2007-2016). Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 11(2), 277–297.

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The development of transport infrastructure is a key element for increasing competitiveness, as it reduces the distance effect and freight transport costs, allowing the generation of efficiencies in market integration. This descriptive study uses a comparative methodology, taking as variables the indicators of global competitiveness of the member countries of the Pacific Alliance during the period 2007-2016. The analysis of the results shows a weak trend in the infrastructure development of the Pacific Alliance group and a notable asymmetry among the member countries. There is a need for an individual strategy in each country that is in line with the objectives of trade integration in Asia. Another finding suggests that the achievement of better indicators depends on other significant variables and on the way in which the costs of transport infrastructure investments are passed on to agents who move freight.



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