How to Cite
Navarro Pabsdorf, M., Cuenca García, E. ., & Caviedes, A. A. (2019). Scenarios of a turbulent Brexit. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 11(2), 337–352.

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The decision made by the United Kingdom to leave the European Union has been one of the most delicate moments in the history of the European integration project. Given the difficulties of doing other types of evaluations at the moment, this work aims to analyze the causes and the process followed, since it is the first time that a member country—one of the most prominent ones—takes this path. The conversations carried out for this purpose have posed unanswered questions of economic, political, and social nature about how to carry out this order successfully; this has raised serious doubts about its advantages, which were discussed at the time of voting for the exit from the European Union. This situation has created a climate of distrust between European and British citizens regarding their politicians, as it is not very clear if the latter are really defending the interests of the country or others.



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