How to Cite
Cardona-Arenas, C. D., & Sierra-Suárez, L. P. . (2022). Monetary policy impact on the labor market equilibrium: Countries of the Pacific Alliance. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 12(2), 491–521.
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This paper analyzes the impact of monetary policy on the Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment
(NAIRU), or equilibrium of the labor markets, for the countries that belongs to the Pacific Alliance (Chile, Colombia, Peru and Mexico). The NAIRU movements are estimated for each country. Furthermore, Auto-Regressive Vector Models are used to evaluate the impact of monetary policy on the labor market of each of the PA countries. Results show that monetary policy impacts the NAIRU of Chile, Colombia and Peru. However, monetary policy shocks have not significant impact on the NAIRU of Mexico.



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