How to Cite
Díaz León, B., Martínez Fernández, I., & Palma Martos, L. . (2023). Interest in the Performing Arts from Cultural Capital and Education. The Spanish Case, 2019. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 15(2), 365–401.
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Studies of cultural participation tend to concentrate their focus on the analysis of socioeconomic variables and/or availability of infrastructures, leaving in the background idiosyncratic variables such as the interest expressed or the predisposition to participate. Using data from the Survey of Cultural Habits and Practices of Spain 2018-2019 and through modelling using ordinary least squares (OLS), we seek to study the weights of classical socioeconomic variables as well as the different variables that make up cultural capital given its additive character in the development of interest. The main results obtained present cultural capital as the most determining component in the formation of interest, with reading in childhood having the greatest impact. It also highlights the possible existence of rational intergender transfer of interest, as parental participation is more important among the variables than that of the subject during childhood.



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