How to Cite
Cortázar Triana, D. (2023). The transorganization as a structural answer of the creative micro-organizations. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 15(2), 331–363.
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In this article, the transorganization concept of Eikhof (2014) is worked on and is proposed as a way to describe creative micro-organizations, which are considered to be significant in the field of creative industries. From this theoretical contextualization, it seeks to propose self-management as the main strategy used by these organizations to face their ambiguous and uncertain context and thus be able to use improvisation as structure (Hatch, 1990) from the loose coupling of functions (Douglas and Weick, 1990). For that, the work proposes the theoretical approaches that the academy has had towards creative entrepreneurship and thus focus on these theoretical concepts; subsequently analyzes the effect of these concepts from the economy; presents the methodological tool used from a qualitative approach of the case study with participant observation and in-depth interviews; Finally, it makes a study of three cases of creative micro-organizations in music to give an empirical study that support the initial theoretical proposal.



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