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Gil Ángel, M., & Campo Robledo, J. (2011). Fisher effect and regimen shift in Colombia: 1990–2010. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 3(2), 27–40. Retrieved from

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Most of the empirical evidence on the “Fisher Effect” or “Fisher hypothesis” holds that the relationship between inflation and nominal interest rate must be equal to one. This paper analyzes the relationship between the nominal interest rate and inflation rate, known as the “Fisher Effect” or “Fisher hypothesis” for the Colombian economy during the period 1990M1 - 2010M12. We present empirical evidence on the existence of a positive long-run relationship between the nominal interest rate and inflation rate in Colombia. Additionally, applies a cointegration test with regime change developed by Gregory y Hansen (1996), which allows present statistical evidence of the existence of a structural change in this relationship in the late nineties.



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