How to Cite
Chávez, M., Lozano, I., & Acevedo, R. (2011). Macroeconomic consistency of public policies and bills with impact on public finances. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 3(1), 91–106. Retrieved from

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This document is intended to infer on effects macro - fiscal budget execution is the Law of reparation to the victims of violence in 2012 in the Colombian economy. The current Finance Minister, Juan Carlos Echeverry announced that it has been estimated that by 2012, this law have a budget of 2.2 billion pesos, but claims that it is very embarrassing to estimate a figure for the ten years that the rule of law. Thus, the budget increases and therefore must generate variations in key macroeconomic aggregates and balances in the sectors private, public and external. The methodology used to estimate such an effect, is to quantify the changes that have major macroeconomic variables such accounts, through a static demand model application. According to the results, we can say that the 2.2 billion pesos it would take the law in 2012, increases the cost of non-financial public sector (NFPS) and public investment in only 0.6%, generating an increase in demand of 0.9%, a deficit (NFPS) of 0.3%, which is funded by the private sector by 0.4%.



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