How to Cite
Reyes, G. E., & Briceño M., A. (2010). Proposed financial model for sustainable corporate growth. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica, 2(2), 57–64. Retrieved from

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Issues such as technical and economic capacity in the production of goods and services, administrative and financial management, and marketing policies, are crucial for sustainable growth of organizations, understood as a dynamic process that has an effect on value creation of organizations. The objective of this paper is to define a model including the particular aspects of policy affecting sustainable growth corporate, based on the quantification of financial components. For the realization of this document took into account various studies and research concepts and approaches discussed trying to identify factors of growth corporate, such as planning, control, management, financial management and human resources, monitoring and evaluation, among others. However this document is limited to analyze components related to financial management.



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